Drug interactions
As it is possible that drug interactions reduce the effect of your medicines, cause unexpected side effects or increase the effect of other medicines. Some interference may be harmful to you. Every time you use a prescription or over-the-counter medication.
Read the package insert and take the time to become familiar with drug interactions that could be the critical point for your health. You can reduce the potential risks of drug interactions and side effects with a little knowledge

Drug interactions can be divided into three groups:

Medicines overlap with each other:
It occurs when two or more drugs interact with each other. Drug interactions may cause unexpected side effects.
For example, using a sleep aid (sedative) along with an allergy medication (antihistamine) can reduce your ability to focus and make driving or operating devices dangerous for you and others.
Medicines interfere with foods or beverages:
Some medicines can interfere with certain types of foods or drinks. For example, drinking milk with a certain type of antibiotic decreases the drug’s effect.

Medicines interfere with health:
These interactions are likely to occur when certain health conditions are present to render drugs potentially harmful. For example, when you use medicines to relieve nasal congestion while you have high blood pressure, you may experience unwanted reactions.
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- medical awareness
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